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Please fill in the form below to get started. Don't forget to press the submit button when you are finished. In your message please ensure you outline whether you are interested in the fee paying or the salaried (Teaching Apprentice) route and whether it is 3-7, 5-11 or 11-16.

Applying to one of our school partners?

The subjects listed above, and additional subjects (Drama and PE), are also available by applying directly to one of our school partners (see list of partners). Cost codes will vary depending on the partner and the subject you choose and search for one of our school partners.

Our Students feedback

"I would most definitely recommend Durham SCITT… without hesitation!"

Durham SCITT is small enough so that everyone knows who you are, and what’s going on in your life, but big enough to give you all the specialist help and support you need. It gave me so much and I’m so pleased I chose to train at Durham SCITT.

Rachel Stephenson

Secondary Trainee

"I was looking for a hands on experience where I could immerse myself in school life."

The training by SCITT leads has been exceptional all year! Although nerve-wracking, I enjoyed the micro-teaches and thought they worked well as a stepping stone before placements. The support given by the SCITT staff and the placement schools has been second to none.

Hannah Davison

Primary Trainee

"My Subject Specialist was absolutely amazing."

I loved my time at Durham SCITT. It was hands on from the start and I knew I’d made the right choice - there was so much support. I’ve now been teaching for two years, and I can honestly say that Durham SCITT was a fantastic foundation for my teaching career! I felt fully prepared for my NQT...

Kayleigh Jobes

Secondary Trainee

"Seeing children responding to your teaching, planning and resourcing is so rewarding!"

Both of my parents are teachers and I grew up hearing their stories about how much they enjoyed the job. It was following my degree that I first considered teaching. I took up a football coaching position and worked with children on a daily basis.

James Alderson

Primary Trainee

"I’d heard really good things about Durham SCITT"

I’d always wanted to teach. When I was at school, I had some amazing teachers who were passionate about their subject and this got me thinking about teaching as a career. I’d heard good things about Durham SCITT - the opportunity to train to teach PE in a supportive environment where I could share ideas with other… trainees...

Chris Martin

Secondary Trainee

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